Monday, September 16, 2013

Malaysia Day

16/9/2013- In conjunction with our Malaysia day, we planted 70 National flower plants with the students and teachers of SJK Yuk Chai . - ( To encourage the students to love our country and to be united)

UPSR 2013

12/9/2013 - 午餐后,校友会会长云秀玲女士及时给UPSR考生们送来点品-激淋。(分享使会长乐开怀)-爱的鼓励

Saturday, September 14, 2013

2013 UPSR - 瓜拉吉赖育才华小

10/9/2013 - 校友会和家协理事给2013年考生打气,赞助考生的爱心早餐,希望带给考生们满满的爱心。 同学们,加油!